Monday, July 26, 2004

Sex Workers Cater to Democrats

By the end of this week's Democrat convention liberal's plans for unseating President Bush in November will be well laid, and many of the delegates will be too apparently.

Reuter's reports prostitutes from around the country are swarming Beantown to find some randy left-winger looking to blow a wad-of cash, I mean.

The story quotes Robyn Few, who runs the Sex Workers Outreach Project, an advocacy group, saying ""Every convention brings in more people, and women fly in from all over the country to work it. There will be girls from California and from the South in Boston this week. I hope a lot of women make a lot of money and make a lot of men really happy."

Also according to the story, strip club owners are pumping up their staffs for some extra action this week by adding more dancers to their establishment's rosters.

The Dems don't want the influence of working girls to sully their reputations though: "'This really is a G-rated event,' said DNC spokeswoman Mariellen Burns."

Of course, one wonders if maybe, in this case, that G is short for G-string.

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